Here he is and man is he cute!! His barn name is Poptart. Horse Pen Creek Banarama Delite is his registered name. He is registered with AMHA and we are hoping to register him with AMHR and PtHA also. He is chestnut roan with a bald face. His mane goes down to his knees. He was shown during the 2001 show season winning halter classes at many places like the Fort Worth Stock Show. He has over 20 show points. I am going to show him in Jumping, Hunter, Halter(maybe he is really bad!!!!) and eventually some of the driving classes. He is 10. He is really bad and is like a teacup poodle that thinks he is a pit bull. We have been working on his manners and he is getting better. BLW was around him for 10 mins and told me to get rid of him, so you know he is pretty bad. BUT, he is super cute so I guess he will stay.
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